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Bilgi İşlem Müdürlüğü Ağ Kullanım Politikası

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This document has been prepared within the scope of the "National Academic Network and Information Center (ULAKBİM) Usage Policy Agreement" signed by the Rectorate of Antalya Bilim University, in order to define and continuously improve the rules to be followed in the use of computer network and internet in our university in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.


This policy covers all academic and administrative personnel and students who use the services (network connection, internet output, assignment of computers etc.) of Antalya Bilim University, Directorate of Information Processing.


The Directorate of Information Processing executes all internet applications used in various units of the university and services that are required in academic and administrative units related to information systems (including infrastructure, hardware etc.).


All users are required to comply with the usage policies stated below to maintain communication of information in a proper and effective way and ensure information security. Usage policies are gathered under three (there are 4 topics below) categories:

-Rules of general internet service usage

-Rules of server usage

-Rules of e-mail usage

-Rules of wireless network usage

4.1. Rules of general internet service usage

-It is not allowed to use network resources for gain personal gain and profit.

-All activities that could lead to use of university network resources outside the university or enable individuals or computers outside the university to establish themselves as if they are within the university (DHCP, DNS, proxy, relay, NAT etc.) are forbidden. These applications will be used by the Information Processing personnel when necessary.

-Users must be respectful to the personal rights of other users in the network and refrain from activities that could jeopardize the security of personal information (such as electronic eavesdropping of the packages in the network traffic).

-Those who witness the violation of these rules are required to inform relevant authorities.

-Network sharing should not be enabled on computers unless absolutely required.

-Security settings of internet browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox etc.) should be kept above the mid-level to prevent viruses from websites.

4.2. Rules of E-Mail Usage

The rules that must be complied with when using the e-mail service are defined in detail in the document, “E-Mail Usage Policy.”

4.3.Rules of Wireless Network Usage

-EDUROAM (EDUcation ROAMing) service is offered in the wireless network infrastructure of our university. EDUROAM is a radius-based identity verification infrastructure that was developed to enable users to easily connect to the internet when they visit other institutions.

-EDUROAM service uses e-mail usernames and passwords that belong to Istanbul University.

-Users are not allowed to share with third parties their username and password information that they use in EDUROAM.

-General rules that must be complied with while using the wireless network are explained in Article 4.1. (Rules of general internet usage)


-Users who violate the rules of general internet usage will receive verbal and written warnings, respectively. 

-If the violation persists, network access within and/or outside the campus will be temporarily blocked for relevant individuals in a way that will not hinder their academic and administrative duties.

-If the behaviors that violate the rules are repeated and/or not terminated, an investigation will be launched within the university.

Based on the consequences of the violation, legal or administrative procedures will be executed.