Economics is the art of meeting unlimited needs by using limited resources in the most productive and efficient way possible. Macroeconomics deals with the economy in general (e.g. unemployment, inflation, exchange rate market, foreign trade, etc.). Microeconomics deals with the maximization of the smallest economic units (companies, sectors and consumers). Econometrics aims to detect the variables in micro- and macroeconomics, and the relationship between these variables by using statistics, mathematics and econometrics. Econometrics helps us to find answers to the economic questions that arise in today’s world, such as why there is unemployment, how can this problem be solved, why there is inflation, what kind of policies are needed in order to protect the economy against unemployment and inflation and why increases in exchange rates occur. These fields offer numerous opportunities for study. Graduates from the Department of Economics can work in economic research institutions, like the Central Bank, TUIK (Turkish Statistical Institute) and SPK (Capital Market Board). Graduates from the Department of Economics can also find employment in areas that hire business school graduates, such as public accountancy companies, administrative law judgeships, and other public institutions.